Dzikran A. Muthalib - Director of ALC
Dzikran A. Muthalib
Director of ALC

Greeting Message From Director of ALC

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

All Praises due to Allah who has given us such great favors, and many sustenance, who has sent us the best of the book (Alqur’an) and has sent us the best of the messenger (Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) and has to us the best of sharia (Islamic religion) walhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin.

The presence of the ALC (Alqur'an & Languages ​​Center) at the Daarul Quran Institute is to facilitate the teaching of Alqur’an and languages in a quality manner and according to the right methodology, so it is hoped that with the ALC in the future it can provide great benefits for anyone who wants to learn Alqur’an even until they can take sanad to Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam and also for those who want to learn various languages ​​and get to know the culture of each country.

The existence of ALC is also expected to be able to produce youth generations who have language skills with the spirit of the Quran so that later they can become great people, prospective leaders and be able to compete both at home and abroad.

A million thanks to Ayahanda Yusuf Mansur, Our Dedicated Chancellor Dr. Anwar Sani and all the leaders of Daarul Qur'an Foundation and the Parties who has involved in successing this institution, Jazakumullah ahsanal jaza ', may Allah facilitate our steps and efforts to make this happen and may Allah make sincere of our intention that we become our good deeds in the hereafter .... aamiin ...

About Al-Qur’an and Languages Center (ALC)

Al-Qur’an and Language Center (ALC) was established in April 2021 based on Insititut Daarul Qur’an Chancellor's Decree No.165 / USAKTI / SKR / VI / 2021 which is structurally under Chancellor of IDAQU. ALC was established for the following reasons:

Mastery and development of Qur’anic teaching

Mastery and development of Qur’anic teaching as means of moslem’s guidence

Mastery and development of language

Mastery and development of language as a means of communication and resources to answer the challenges of competitive world of work.

Qur’anic Teaching Methodology

To provide Qur’anic teaching with proper methodology that linked to prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (Sanad).

Improvement and mastery of foreign languages

Improvement and mastery of foreign languages for lecturers, students, and employees.

Focusing language learning activities

Focusing language learning activities and increasing cooperation with related parties.

Qur'an Camp Institut Daarul Qur'an



  1. Tahsin (Level: Mubtadi’, Mutawassith and Mahir)
  2. Tafizh (Level: Mubtadi’, Mutawassith and Mahir)
  3. Special Class (Sanad)

Arabic Language

  1. Diploma 1 of Arabic Language (1 Year)
  2. Arabic Courses (Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced)

English Language

  1. English Course (Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced)
  2. TOEFL ITP Preparation Class
  3. IELS Preparation Class

Mandarin Language

French Language

Spanish Language

German Language

Korean Language

Japanese Language


Berikut adalah beberapa cuplikan dokumentasi kegiatan Qur'an Camp di Institut Daarul Qur'an

Dokumentasi 1

Kegiatan Hari 1

Dokumentasi 2

Kegiatan Hari 1

Dokumentasi 3

Kegiatan Hari 2

Dokumentasi 4

Kegiatan Hari 2

Dokumentasi 5

Kegiatan Hari 2

Dokumentasi 6

Kegiatan Hari 2

Dokumentasi 7

Kegiatan Hari 3

Dokumentasi 8

Kegiatan Hari 3

Dokumentasi 9

Kegiatan Hari 2

Dokumentasi 10

Kegiatan Hari 3

Dokumentasi 11

Kegiatan Hari 2

Vision & Mission


  1. To become a center of qur’anic and language studies, at both national and international levels.
  2. To provide high standard of quality in Qur’an and languages training


  1. Organizing quality education for al-Qur’an and languages
  2. Providing satisfactory qur’an training and language services
  3. Cooperating with language institutions at home and abroad.

Qur'an Camp Perdana

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